Adding firewall rules in bulk to Plesk is not that easy, but it is possible

I recently changed my CDN provider because they were constantly making changes to the CORS settings, which caused websites to be down all the time. The support didn’t have a clue how to solve it and constantly referred to help articles that didn’t solve the problem.

So I looked at what else is on the market and came across bunny.net. They made a good impression from the price-performance ratio and so I tried it on a test domain.

It worked then but only after several minutes properly and there was the question where it came from. Images and scripts were only partially loaded. It turned out that the IP’s of bunny.net were blocked by the firewall rules in Plesk during the firstload from the pullzones, because they build massive connections during the firstload.

To avoid this, all IP’s from bunny.net, i.e. IPV4 and IPV6, must be entered into the whitelist. Here is the list for IPV4 and here for IPV6. And there we have a big disadvantage with Plesk. It only works one by one. But since something like this can happen again and again, it was a matter of finding another way.

Prepare Plesk and find out the structure of the rules

Plesk IP Panel
Now, of course, you first need to know how these rules are created in Plesk in the first place. Therefore we create a new rule as shown in the example above and add 2 of the IPV4 addresses. Click on “Ok” and apply them. Then we go to our server via a terminal and SSH.

:~# plesk db
↵ (Enter)


Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

MariaDB [psa]>

Now we need to know our table:

MariaDB [psa]> show tables;
↵ (Enter)

Will give you an overview. We need the table “module_firewall_rules”:

MariaDB [psa]> select * from module_firewall_rules;
↵ (Enter)
IP Ruleset in Plesk Terminal

You should now see something like in the picture above. The number in front between the two pipes “|” is the ID, in this case 234, followed by the corresponding ruleset.

a:7:{s:4:"type";s:6:"custom";s:5:"class";s:6:"custom";s:4:"name";s:10:"Bunny IPV4";s:9:"direction";s:5:"input";s:5:"ports";a:0:{}s:4:"from";a:2:{i:0;s:15:"";i:1;s:13:"";}s:6:"action";s:5:"allow";}

We now need to split the ruleset into the area before the required IP rules and the area after.


a:7:{s:4:"type";s:6:"custom";s:5:"class";s:6:"custom";s:4:"name";s:10:"Bunny IPV4";s:9:"direction";s:5:"input";s:5:"ports";a:0:{}s:4:"from";a:2:{

At the end of the before part, we see “a:2:{“. We may remember that as well. Because here it is about the number of IP’s. Since we have 2 so far it is set to 2 here – so no 0 index, because the count starts at 1.

Our part that it is mainly about:




Here a stands for array, i for index and s for string. Our part that we need with the two IP rules has index 0 (not 1) with a string length of 15 and index 1 with a string length of 13. With that in mind, we need the following structure for each entry:


This seems like a good use case for a custom PHP script, or an Excel spreadsheet, though Excel is easier to deal with. So Excel.

Housten, we have a problem –> No backup yet

Nothing simpler than that. To do this, we enter the following in the terminal:

plesk db dump {database_name} > /path/to/{dump_name}.sql

In our case:

plesk db dump module_firewall_rules > /var/www/vhosts/psa_dump.sql

To store it back in:

plesk db < /path/to/{dump_name}.sql

In our case:

plesk db < /var/www/vhosts/psa_dump.sql

Prepare the IP lists

IPV4 list cleared
Here is the list for IPV4 and here for IPV6. Take your editor and clean the list with search and replace from the XML tags, so that only the IP’s are listed cleanly.

Replace the dots at IPV4 with pipes “|”, otherwise some IP’s are recognized in Excel as numbers instead of strings. Then it does not work, because the functions are not executed cleanly.

Also make sure that there are no spaces. Only the IP per line.

Here you have my cleaned lists for bunny.net, but check them for completeness, because new servers are added all the time. Here is IPV4 and IPV6.

Bring it to Excel

Now open an Excel spreadsheet and select the field A1. Paste the IP’s into the table.

Excel table IP's added
Always drag the columns to the width so that you have a neat arrangement.

Now click into the B1 field and enter the following:


And go back between the brackets with the cursor. The mouse pointer changes to a cross. With it you click in A1 and press Enter. Depending on which IP you have in A1, a number with the length of the characters of A1 appears in B2.

Now mark B1 again and grab with the mouse the green square at the bottom right border of B1. Drag it downwards over all fields of column B. Now the length values in column B should appear everywhere in addition to the IP’s in column A.

Excel table IP length added
Now click in C1 and enter the number 0. Then you go to field C2 and type in the following and confirm with Enter:


Mark C2 and drag the small green square down again. Here we now have enumerated ID’s that we can use later for the index. As mentioned above, we have to start at 0 for the indices.

Excel table index
Now click in D1 and type in the following and confirm with Enter:


Mark D1 and drag the small green square down again. Now we have the strings as we need them for the IP’s in the Plesk database.

Excel table with IP strings
Now select D1 scroll down to the last entry of column D, press shift and click on the last entry. Now you have selected all entries of column D, but not column D itself.

This is important, otherwise the transfer will not work. Copy this with “Command+C” on the Mac and “Control+C” on Windows.

Open a new sheet and click on A1 again. Then the combination “Option+Command+V” on the Mac and “Option+Control+V” (I think, not sure) on Windows.

A window will open. Here you select “Values” and click the check mark at “Transpose”.

Excel table transpose
With this you have all values lined up. Copy A1, all values are written here, and paste them to your editor. Delete all spaces with find & replace and then change all pipes “|” to a point “.”.
Editor cleared values
You should now see something like in the picture above. As I write the post here, the index of the last IP for IPV4 is at 371.


That would certainly not have been fun to enter individually.

Means, since the index has a 0 index, that we have a total of 372 IP’s.

Back to the before part. Here we change the range at the end from “a:2:{” to “a:372:{“.

a:7:{s:4:"type";s:6:"custom";s:5:"class";s:6:"custom";s:4:"name";s:10:"Bunny IPV4";s:9:"direction";s:5:"input";s:5:"ports";a:0:{}s:4:"from";a:372:{

Now we put the changed before part in front of the finished string we fetched from Excel and the upper after part unchanged behind it. Let’s call it “theWholeObject”.

From this we can now build the query to include it in the Plesk database.

update DATABASE_NAME set object='theWholeObject' where id=ID;

The ID in that case was 234.

Both the ID and the IP index can and probably will be different for you. So replace it accordingly as indicated above, otherwise it will not work.

update module_firewall_rules set object='theWholeObject' where id=234;

Now put “theWholeObject” into the query and back to the terminal and the database. Paste the query there and confirm it. You should then see a very large new entry:

Editor cleared values
In my case, it is the ID 255. Since I have already entered it, I leave it at that point.

Now, however, the whole thing still has to be confirmed in Plesk. And there, at least for me, a small workaround was necessary, which I found out rather by accident.

First, click “Modify Rules”:

Plesk firewall rules modify
Now try to apply the data with “Apply Changes”. And check whether they are then included in the list. For me, it has remained all the time with the original two entries.

Only when I clicked “Discard Changes” and then tried again with “Apply Changes”, it worked.

Plesk firewall rules discard
Must have something to do with the indexing of the database, or caches.

The whole thing now again for the IPV6 rules, or whatever rules you want to add and good luck with it!

Final words about inserting many firewall rules at the same time in Plesk

When you do it for the first time, it seems a bit complicated. However, by the 2nd time at the latest, it becomes much easier to do. And it is in any case better than making 400 entries or more by yourself. So give it a try and be surprised how easy it is in the end.

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Bruno Bouyajdad

Bruno Bouyajdad

Webentwicklung, AI, Blogautor

Über den Autor

Bruno Bouyajdad liebt es, komplexe oder komplizierte Zusammenhänge möglichst einfach zu erklären, damit Menschen, die sich für die Themenbereiche, die er behandelt, einen möglichst einfachen Zugang bekommen. Es fasziniert ihn, sich in diese Welten der digitalen Bits einzugraben und dann Lösungen für seine Follower bereitzuhalten, welche ihre Probleme auf möglichst einfache Weise lösen.

Nach knapp 10 Jahren Erfahrung im Außendienst für Datensicherungslösungen KMU (vor den Clouds) und Photovoltaik, ist er seit über 13 Jahren Webentwickler, mit viel Erfahrung in PHP, JavaScript, WooCommerce, WordPress und Multisite-Netzwerken, auch für Multi-Language-Lösungen. Insbesondere in den Bereichen Plugin-Entwicklung, Theme-Erstellung, Server-Administration und vieles mehr. Er ist auch Experte in Sachen PageSpeed Score-Optimierung und Sicherheit. Dazu kleinere Projekte mit Symfony, VUE, React.

Dazu gehören auch Webdesign, Content-Erstellung, SEO, insbeondere Technical-SEO. Er beherrscht die komplette Adobe Master Suite, hat gute Kenntnisse in C4D, FCPX und Logic Pro.

Seit 5 Jahren begeistert er sich zudem für die Programmierung neuronaler Netzwerke in Python.

Weiterhin teilt er sein Wissen als Blog-Autor, ist begeisterter Fotograf und wenn die Zeit es zulässt, erstellt er hochwertige virtuelle Panorama-Touren, oder schneidet begeistert Videos.

Zudem ist er ChatGPT Prompt-Engineer. Das war einfach Liebe auf den ersten Blick.

In seiner Freizeit beschäftigt er sich gerne mit naturwissenschaftlichen und philosophischen Fragestellungen oder betätigt sich sportlich beim Wandern, auf dem Fahrrad oder im Studio.

Udacity Certificate AI Programming

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